Thursday, May 21, 2009

Return of a summertime favorite

One of the things I love most about this city I live in is the sense of community and small town feel. Nothing exemplifies that more than the annual farmers market. It's one of my favorite things about summer...leisurely strolls to the market (I live less than a mile away), then wandering from booth to booth, checking out everyone's fresh produce, honey, nuts and even cheese and meat. I almost always run into people I know, all of us enjoying the weather and the gorgeous fruit. This happens once a week, every week, all summer long. Even better, the third Thursday of the month is Thirsty Thursday, and a lot of the wineries show up for tastings and they usually have a band. You will see lots of families there - the parents sitting on a blanket in the grass watching their little ones bust out some dance moves and devour obscenely large and juicy strawberries.

Today was the first farmers market of the season. I could hardly contain my excitement as I loaded Bennett up in the stroller and we headed over to see what was in store for us this year. They never disappoint, either! We got our usual huge box-o-strawberries as well as some peaches and nectarines. Mmmmmm.

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