Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Can I just brag on my kids for a moment?

I am really impressed with how well they have both taken to their new sibling and their part in all of it. Now, I know that having a 4 year gap between Bennett and Landon and an almost 8 year gap between Morgan and Landon makes it a bit easier, but seriously, they have been so great -- far beyond my expectations. I expect it out of Morgan, she's another "little momma" and is old enough and responsible enough to be really good with the baby. I was a little worried about Bennett though. His personality is so big and I was worried about what he would do to try to compete with the baby. So far (knock on wood), he has not been trying to compete with Landon. In fact, the only problem we've had so far was one time when Bennett was sick (he got a cold on Easter) and Morgan was feeding Landon a bottle. Bennett wanted a turn and I had to remind him of how he was sick and couldn't be near the baby right now. He understood, but had a small melt down. I took him upstairs with me for some time alone watching TV in my bed (which he never gets to do) while I pumped. He came around and he said he understood. He was so good while he was sick too, never getting too close to the baby and not getting upset by the fact that Morgan could hold Landon and he couldn't.

I have been trying to give him Landon-centric jobs that he could do while he was sick, like helping with diaper changes by getting the diaper, the wipe, etc. and he's done this each time with complete joy. In fact, he comes running every time he's around and I'm changing a diaper. I am so lucky!

Now that he's feeling better, he will sit next to me holding Landon or next to Landon and talk to him. "There's some eyes, Landon! Do you see me, bubbas? I'm your big brother! I love you, Landon!" It just makes my heart all ooey gooey melty. I couldn't be more proud of the kids I'm raising!

THIS is precisely why I wanted to have another child.

1 comment:

Chantel said...

Sooo flipping sweet.