Tuesday, October 7, 2008

I guess I wanted to spend the whole day in the kitchen

After dropping Morgan off at school this morning, Bennett and I headed to the tennis club (even though I'm terribly sore from the half of a spin class I did yesterday). He talked my head off the whole way there.

Bennett: "Mama!"
Me: "Yes, Bennett?"
Bennett: "Water!" "MAMA!! Water!! WATER!!"
Me: "Yes, I heard you. Water."
Bennett: "Mine!"
Me: "Yes, you have water."

Repeat the same with ball. And then water again. Twice. Yes, he's quite a talker. Who needs affirmation, apparently.

After doing the track (3.5 miles) and stairs (40 sets), I got showered and then Bennett and I headed to the grocery store. After doing our shopping, I came home and unloaded the groceries and then we went to pick Morgan up from school. After that, I proceeded to spend pretty much the rest of the day in the kitchen.

First, I made lunch for everyone. For today and tomorrow. Because? Might as well! Morgan has her first after school reading group where they stay an extra hour to have a small reading group with the teacher. So, she needs a lunch for that. And since I'll have a extra hour with Bennett at playgroup, we'll need lunches as well! I took a small hiatus from the kitchen to wash out the AC filter and the outdoor garbage cans and then came back and cooked throughout the entire nap time (while talking to my Mom on the phone, in true multi-tasking fashion). I made banana bread with some over ripened bananas and cooked up a batch of pancakes for breakfast since I don't have time on school mornings to do it and Miss Morgan has decided to forgo her hot-breakfast-aversion.

Once I got all the dishes cleaned up, it was time to get the kids up and going to drop Morgan off at ballet. I ran to Target while she was there and now I'm back home. Guess where I'm headed? In the kitchen, of course. It's time to cook dinner. Turkey tacos for dinner tonight. Yum.

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