Morgan also got to vote at school. They voted on whether to have a hot dog party or a pizza party on Friday. They each got to cast their votes and then watch as they were tallied. They also go to go to the polling spot at the school to see the ballots and how they are read into the machine and all. Morgan is ALL ABOUT the election! In fact, they were calling a different race (US Senator for another state) and Morgan was all, "I totally know who they voted for! The guy on the top! So, I guess neither Obama or McCain won." LOL
After dropping Morgan off at school, I schlepped Bennett all over town, to three different grocery stores to get some grocery shopping done. I just adore shopping with just Bennett. He's at that really cute age where he's happy to just sit in the cart and sing songs and say "hi" to the butcher and just charm the pants off of everyone. It's fun to be his Mom!
We dropped the groceries off at home and then headed over to Bounce U for a kids outing. Bennett had a blast, and took an 2.5 hour nap afterwards to prove it. This place was awesome - they had two different rooms and lots of different options for all the kids. Bennett had so much fun getting silly with Clare.
I had to leave a little early to go get Morgan from school, but got there a few minutes early and was happy to have Twilight with me in the car! :) We came home and had lunch after school and then when the kids went down for their naps, I finished up my chores and read some more. I'm officially hooked! I'm already on page 320/498! I'll be done by the end of the week, for sure. Edward is amazing! I'm totally swooning! Anyway, the kids took good naps and Morgan woke up happy and with enough time to have a little snack before it was time to get her ready for ballet. I had to wake Bennett up to take her to ballet, but he didn't seem to mind too much. After dropping her off, we headed over to the store to look for bags to put her Start Attraction snack in for tomorrow. Luckily, I've been able to talk her out of ice cream sundaes for snack! :) She's now all about the Pirates Booty. Which makes things far less complicated for mom and healthier for the other kids, who are undoubtedly overdosing on Halloween candy at home. I picked out some pencil sharpeners for their guessing jar, hoping Morgan would approve. Boy did she! She's very excited! When it's their week, the kids get to put between 1-100 of any item that will fit into this jar and then the kids all get to guess how many are in there and then, if they want to, the Star can pass out their item to their classmates. She's very excited to pass out pencil sharpeners. She's already decided that she'll have the kids keep their pencil sharpeners at their desks. LOL
Today, she brought 10 pictures into the classroom to talk about. She picked pictures from the luau we went to in Hawaii, the Alligator Farm in Florida, a picture of her with her with my brother's children in Key West, a picture of Lance and I from Key West, one of her and Bennett when he was really little, a picture of her playing golf with Grandpa and a picture of her with Grandma at the duck pond in Florida, ones from her first and last birthdays, and one from her dance recital in June. Apparently, we have a public speaker on our hands. Her teacher went on and on about how great she did. She even said that she told the class that "This is how it's done!". She was proud of her for speaking clearly and loudly enough. Yeah, because I've always been so worried about my soft spoken little girl! Ha!
The last thing we have to do for Star Attraction week is to scrapbook our pictures. I promise to post the pictures we use. They are really cute!
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