Monday, June 2, 2008

A different END-ing

When I last wrote, I had just found my daughter's hair in the kitchen garbage. But it doesn't stop there. Oooooh noooo. You see, before? Yes, before I actually BELIEVED her when she told me it was an accident. This of course, was before I went in the downstairs bathroom to clean it. Wait a second, let me rewind a little.

After naps that were entirely too short, I grabbed the kids and we headed over to get Morgan's hair cut. FOUR INCHES is what we had to take off to make it look respectable. FOUR INCHES! There are still a few strands that were too short to really "even it all out" (you know it's bad when the hairdresser asks if they are "bangs"). But, here's her new look - TA DA!

Do you like it? Because SHE DOES! As if I wasn't already at my wit's end, she announced to me after the hair cut that she REALLY LIKES HER HAIR SHORT and that she had been asking me to get a hair cut for so long and so she thought SHE WOULD START IT AND THEY COULD FINISH IT. Yes, she actually said this.

Okay, fast forward back to me in the bathroom to clean it and what do I find in the bathroom trash can? If you guessed MORE HAIR, you are our lucky winner. Yes, even more hair than I had originally found in the kitchen garbage. Here's the part where she puts the proverbial nail into her coffin. Are you ready? Upon finding the beautiful golden hair in the bathroom trash can, I approach her with the hair in my hand and ask her why she didn't tell me that there was more. Are you ready? "I wanted to let you find it for yourself". Oh, yes she did say that.

It was pretty obvious at this point that this was no accidental cutting. So, I asked her if she did it on purpose and she told me that she did not. I asked her if she pulled her hair away from her head and cut it with the scissors (did the motion to demonstrate) and she said that she did. So, she lied about it being an accident! And she tried to disperse her evidence among several trash cans. I told her again how disappointed I was that she lied to me. I asked her if she had stashed any more hair ANYWHERE ELSE that she would like to tell me about. The look on her face said it all. I just didn't know where she put it. But, she continued to INSIST that she didn't put anymore hair anywhere else. Until later. When in a jailhouse confession-like manner, she asked me to please come into the playroom to talk to her. I did. She told me that if I looked in the garbage can in her bedroom, that I shouldn't be mad if I might find hair in there. Yes, she actually said that, also. Sure enough, more hair. At this point, we have enough hair to make a mini wig for her cabbage patch dolls.

What is up with the lying? My mom gave me some awesome advice. Just keep repeating myself. For the next 20ish years. Eventually, she'll get it. Gee. Thanks, Mom.


melissa said...

She is amazing!

Anonymous said...

Holy crap... she's how old? I'm sitting here giggling... because really the lines "I wanted to let you find it for yourself" or "I shouldn't be mad if I might find hair in there" would totally have you laughing if they were lines from a sitcom (or even just happening to someone else).

On the bright side... she's still really cute!

Anonymous said...

You know Paige, the words I've heard you speak "Morgan was an angel, she didnt prepare me for Bennett"... well, you didnt know that her fun all would start a little later, like around her 5th birthday. Too fun and too smart! Enjoy, it always changes. I think she's going to have some creative explanations when she becomes a teenager!!