Friday, June 27, 2008


To say that I am having a hard time getting back into the swing of things is the understatement of the year. I have two immediate short term goals -- Morgan's recital and her birthday party -- and I've spent a good time of the day avoiding them! Not good! I don't think it helped that Lance was off of work today because that just made it feel like a weekend. And weekend is slack time! :)

I should have realized that the day was going to go nothing as it should when I woke up at 6am all concerned about my favorite pair of jeans. Yes they are my favorite, and yes they have two giant holes in them. I'll even tell you that Morgan tapped me on the back as we were standing in the security line at the airport to tell me "Psst. You have HOLES in your pants, Mom." Yes, the holes are MUCH bigger than I had realized. So big that I self-consciously tugged at my shirt all the way across the country, trying to hide the place where everyone in the world could see my underwear. But what does this have to do with the tasks at hand? Nevertheless, I got up and immediately started searching online for my beloved Levi 505s that I can't find in the stores anymore. Because apparently the kids are going to EAT THEM ON SUNDAY.

After breakfast, I decided I would head over to the local tennis club, which I was given a one month family pass to. The offer expires on Monday and I had postponed it to after we got done vacationing so that I can make the most use of it to determine whether or not we want to join. I wanted to just run over and get signed up - maybe take a quick tour of the facility and then come back home and get to work on stuff. I left the kids with Lance to be QUICK! And EFFICIENT! Yeah, so an hour and fifteen minutes later I finally returned home. I did, however, get a very thorough tour of the place by the owner himself. I'm excited to start!

After getting home, Lance took off with Morgan to order her birthday cake and then he was taking her to see Wall-E. I took that opportunity to finish unpacking and then Bennett and I headed out to pick up some last minute craft stuff for Morgan's party. I decided to go to Target for the pillow cases and SOMEHOW got sucked in to the calendar/organization section of the store. I'm trying to get a picture of what July is going to look like between Morgan's soccer, and all the playgroups, and the camp she's going to, and the tennis club, etc. I'm having a hard time picturing it and while a new calendaring/planning system might help -- it could wait until Monday. Nonsense!

After Target, I hit the local craft store and found just what I was looking for in the way of fabric markers, paint and iron on transfer paper. But there, I got sucked into looking at frames and mats for a 10x10 picture I have of Bennett that I need a frame for. Also, could wait until later!

I came home and we had lunch and then after lunch, I put Bennett down for his nap and left Lance and Morgan to their own devices while I went to Office Depot. STILL on the hunt for the perfect family planner. Umm, yeah. I spent WAY too long there and then got home and proceeded to look online for what it is I have pictured in my head. I wanted a dry erase calendar that I can stick to the refrigerator (magnetic) and that is color coded by person in the family, so I just write that person's activity in the calendar. This does not exist! I stumbled across the Cozi website, which lured me in with FREE software for family calendaring and ORGANIZATION. They had me at "Free". Cue further stalling and delay tactics.

Yeah, so two hours later, I have all my stuff nicely manged by the online software that will also enable me to access my grocery lists, to do lists, etc. from anywhere. I can even call their special toll-free number and they will either text me the list, or READ IT TO ME. Uhhh....hello, love! But still! I am no closer to having Morgan ready for her recital or for the party I'm throwing on Sunday. But, at least I can tell you what I'm doing on September 1st.

I did manage to go over and pick up our tickets for tomorrow's performances and Morgan and I practiced hair and makeup tonight. She looks so grown up with mascara and blush on!! I can't get over it. She does NOT care for bobby pins or buns. They make her itch. Should be fun tomorrow when she has to wear her hair like that from around 8:30 in the morning until 5 at night!

My kitchen floor needs a good sweeping and mopping and I should probably run the Roomba. I *might* have the energy to do that tonight. Have I mentioned that we have like zero food in the house since we just got back from vacation? Lance did pick up milk last night, but that's pretty much it. Serious grocery shopping needs to happen. Focus!

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