Sunday, June 8, 2008

Hey there little Paige!

So, there is one story that stands out from our trip to Alabama. One that really deserves it's own post. Not just because it's funny, but because it personifies my daughter and her character, really well. This happened yesterday, as Morgan was swimming in the pool with her various third cousins and my two friends' girls. She had already done a lot of talking with lots of hand motions and eye rolling, etc. Being Very Dramatic. My friends were laughing at her, talking about how much she's like me (what?!). Then, in an effort to get the attention of everyone in the pool, Morgan proceeds as follows:

Hey you guys!
Guuuuuyyyyys, I'm trying to talk to yooooouuuu!

This obviously isn't working, so she takes another tactic. She starts CLAPPING HER HANDS! (Yes, she really did this!)

(clap clap) Okay Guys! (clap clap)

(clap clap) Everyone! Okaaaay everyone, get in a circle! (clap clap)

Of course, these kids aren't going to be bossed around by some four year old CITY girl! So, they were totally ignoring her. Ha!

(clap clap) Everyone get in a circle and hold hands!! C'mon!! You guuuuuyys!! (clap clap)

*sigh* And she goes off and does something else, signaling her defeat.

My friends and I were DYING laughing. The whole sight was pretty funny. Until he says, "Hey there little Paige". I just refuse to find the humor in that. ;)


melissa said...

Well, I HAVE seen you clap your hands together to get attention before. LOL.

Work in Progress said...

Liar!! ;)