Friday, August 29, 2008

She's going to give me a complex

Yesterday, while we were eating lunch at the pool, we were sharing our pretzels with our friends Melissa and Clare. I made an offhand comment about having a five pound bag of them at home. Morgan took that opportunity to become part of the conversation, saying, "They are really cheap".

Today, after eating a lunch of bologna and cheese sandwich and veggie sticks, Morgan asked for pretzels. I told her that if she was still hungry, she could have one of the apples I just got from Costco (you know - they 16 pack of apples?). She said okay. I washed one up for her, asked her if she wanted it whole or cut up and then gave it to her whole. She looked at it and pronounced it to be "huge" and then followed that with, "I bet they are really cheap."

Wonder where she's getting that kind of language from.


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