Monday, November 10, 2008

Another unbelievable moment at the gym

There's this woman who goes to the tennis club and she has two boys - one who's a little over three and one who's just a couple months younger than Bennett. She brings them both the the Terrific Toddler class and they run RAMPANT. Seriously - like the younger one is hanging off of the door handle and she ignores. The older one is stealing cars from one-year-olds and she just laughs. I thought this was all bad enough. That and the fact that one of them inevitably has a snotty nose that he's got smeared across his face. But, I believe that what I saw today tops it all off.

I saw her, at the gym prior to the start of class, sitting on some lounge chairs READING THE PAPER. Like, she brought her kids to the tennis club and dumped them into the nursery and then didn't even work out! I couldn't even fathom it. Here I was, rushing to squeeze in some weights and half a spin class and then rushing to get showered, and she's sitting there, leisurely reading the paper. I rush out to the car to drop of my bag of sweaty clothes and then rush to go get the kids. She walks in after me, all leisurely. Her youngest is screaming as we walk in. SCREAMING. She just smiles.

Just call me baffled.

Sure. I admit I've joked about dropping the kids off and then curling up on a couch with a book, but I honestly don't think I could ever really do it. Her kids were way worse in class today than they normally are, also. Maybe this is the only way she can make it through the day??

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