Monday, November 3, 2008

A fun way to end the weekend

Since the rain subsided yesterday, we took that opportunity to head to the Zoo with Terri the Toucan. We stayed until just after lunch and then came home. I told Morgan that if she slept all the way home, she could skip her nap. I've never seen her go to sleep so fast.

We dropped the guys off so that Bennett could have his nap and then Morgan and I went by a house where a woman had offered me the entire Twilight series on Freecycle. I picked them up and then we headed to the theater to see High School Musical 3!

The movie was cute, but most of it was over Morgan's head (it was all senior year stuff - going away to school, figuring out what you want to do with your life, etc). It had some great singing and dancing numbers, and Morgan was dancing around in her seat with Terri.

After the movie, we came home and Morgan finished up her Star Attraction poster. It has things on there like pictures, her stats from birth and how big she is now, "Things I like" (hers are watching movies, going out to dinner, and playing with my brother), "Things I Don't Like" (hers are being yelled at - HA!, spicy salmon, and taking naps), what she wants to be when she grows up (a bird teacher), what she's really very good at (writing her name), what she likes to do in her free time (watch TV, play, go to the park) and her favorite book (The Lion King). I've very proud of her for writing the answers to all of these question all by herself! The poster is due today and tomorrow we owe more pictures, Wednesday is the special snack day (she wants ice cream sundaes!!), and then Friday is guessing jar.

I'm happy to report that while the Halloween candy still exists in my house, I managed to not eat a single piece of it yesterday. Hooray. Also, I started the first Twilight book last night after I finished my weekly planning and prepping for the board meeting on Wednesday. I can tell I'm going to be sucked in. Not sure when I'm going to find the time for that...

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