Monday, November 17, 2008

Peeking up out of the books

My life, lately, has been revolving around making time to read. :) I've been reading the Twilight series and am on the last book, Breaking Dawn. Just in time for the release of the movie this Thursday! My friend Kristin and I are hitting the midnight showing of it! :)

Last week was a little crazy. I had something nearly every night. Mothers club general meeting on Tuesday night, mothers club budgeting meeting on Wednesday night, afternoon playgroup and then Bible study on Thursday night and then Friday afternoon was a reunion for Morgan's original playgroup. It was so cool to see our "babies" all grown up! Some of these kids we've known since they were just a few months old!

Saturday we had soccer in the morning and then I went hiking with some friends in the afternoon. Today was church and then I came home and tried to make up for all the laundry and stuff I have put off during the week while trying to finish reading my books! I've barely started Breaking Dawn, but really want to get through all 700+ pages of it before the movie comes out on Thursday.

Funny story from Friday. I was working in Morgan's classroom, so I got to watch her present her family homework to the class. They had these hands that they cut out and made them into turkeys. We had selected some items from our yard to decorate our turkey. She stands up in front of the class and begins describing her turkey. Something along the lines of "we picked leaves from our yard and cut them into feathers....I used marker to color the front of the turkey....we used pipe cleaner for the waddle....there are some different kind of leaves for the tail feathers....and we used a POISONOUS berry for the eye". The kids all gasp. The teacher gets a big grin across her face and says "we may need to have a discussion about bringing POISONOUS items to school!" and then she starts giggling. Of course, all the kids wanted to see the POISONOUS berry. Which is nothing more than a berry from one of our hedges, that we told her was poisonous because we don't know what kind of hedge it is and we didn't want her to eat it. She never fails to keep us laughing. :)

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