Friday, November 7, 2008

Birthday Eve

The beauty of having a five year old for a daughter is that she can ask me things like "what do you want for your birthday, Mom?" and I can say things like "A pair of Lucky jeans", "the new Weezer CD", or "tickets to see Not So Silent Night" and SHE CAN ACTUALLY REMEMBER THEM. I'm hoping this bodes well for my 34th birthday tomorrow. Although, I'm afraid of what might get lost in the translation since I also told her my size for the Lucky jeans and I heard her repeat "Weasel CD".

I've been busy doing random things over the past few days. Wednesday I had coffee with friends and then ran over to the business that hosts our monthly mothers club meetings to pick up a key. After that, it was off to playgroup. I came home from playgroup and read nearly the rest of Twilight (I had 40 pages to go) during nap time. After naps, it was dinner time and then I was off to my board meeting. I came home and Lance and I did the scrapbook pages for Terri's diary that I posted last.

Thursday was chores and kickboxing, napping and then playgroup at the park. I was supposed to go to bible study that night, but had already decided I wasn't going to go when I got a call from a friend and needed to go pick up her daughter. She spent the night with us last night and then we got up and to school today, where the kids had their pizza party! I slept during nap time again today and so now, my efforts to get ahead on my chores are waning. I still need to mop and change sheets and clean out my closet! But I just can't seem to get motivated to do it on my birthday eve.

I love having a Saturday birthday! That means I get the whole weekend, right?

I know nothing about the plans for tomorrow except that I've been given the gift of freedom from kids for the entire day, until I need to return by 5:30 for some predetermined plan of my husband's. I have to admit that I'm freaking out just a little. I mean, I know he's totally capable, but I am not used to doing NOTHING to prepare for a planned event, so it makes me a little nervous. Oh well. We'll see how it goes! I'm sure I'll have more to report tomorrow!


melissa said...

I hope you have an awesome day tomorrow!

Lara said...

How cute! Hope Morgan remembers your wish list. Happy Birthday:)