There are two boys at Morgan's table. To the right, Joey, who had drawn a picture and the caption said, "I trapped a pink coyote". To the left, John, with a picture of a snake and a caption, "I saw a snake when I went shooting with my Dad."** I open Morgan's and there is her picture. Two stick figures, one with longer hair (which always indicates an older female), with flowers in the middle. Her caption? "I'm giving Ms. A___ flowers". The other moms are all "awwww". I'm all "teacher's pet!". Ooohhh, the difference between boys and girls!
Back to school night was a big success. With every day that passes, I'm positive that we made the right decision on the school for Morgan. The teachers are so excellent and the stuff that they are doing is top notch. The kindergartners get music and PE each week (starting this week!)and get to go to the library once a week. The music teacher told us that they'll start talking about how to keep a steady beat this week and to expect to hear a lot about it at home. They start Spanish, Art and Sciences in the first grade! The curriculum for kindergarten looks to be really awesome and I'm just so impressed with what they have planned for this year. I'm so excited for Morgan. Her little brain is going to be buzzing with all the new information.
It was sign-up time for helping with our teacher. I think I did okay and only volunteered for a couple of things. Working on Fridays, particularly helping out with stations, and to be Room Parent/Party Planner WHATEVER THAT MEANS. It was totally peer pressure, too. After the teacher's presentation, a group of us moms go to see what is left over at the sign up sheets. Nobody had signed up for Room Parent. One of the moms looks at me and says, "I'll do it if you do it". How can I say no to that?? Yeah, I know it's a fairly easy word to say, but somehow SURE! came out. It's a sickness, I tell you. We also signed up to bring the teacher some supplies off her wish list and Lance signed up to help build a fence around the school's soon-to-be garden. At least I know I'm not the only volunteer in the family.
**I got the FULL disclaimer from John's Mom. She was a little reluctant to show me what he drew and his caption at first. She made me show her ours first. Then, she gave me the disclaimer that "they are locked up and unloaded". Just in case I ever decide to send my daughter to her house, I suppose.
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