We had lots of fun bowling, then eating hot dogs and playing video games. Collin and Morgan were having all sorts of meaningful discussions about babies, marriage and Transformers. By the way, don't ever try to tell Morgan that men can have babies. Because they can't actually HAVE babies and she'll get quite hostile when relating this to you. When we stumbled upon the topic of marriage, Collin informed us that he has three girlfriends he is going to marry. I told him he'd have to pick one and then watched as Morgan began pleading her case with him. "MARRY ME!!!" Oh my!
The trip home was a lot of the same, with Morgan explaining to Collin that her Daddy's car is a transformer. To hear her describe it, it sounded REALLY COOL. He asked if it could fly and she acted like she didn't hear him and changed the subject. He'll be sad when he actually sees the car is just a hard topped convertible. :)
Melissa was nice enough to tell me that Bennett was so easy (*cough* *cough*) while I was gone. I'm noticing a theme here - dream child with others. Crazy tantrum climbing child when with mom. Hmmm. Next time, we'll swap and Melissa can take the big kids while I get the droolers. Fun times!
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