Tuesday, September 9, 2008

The smell is deceiving!

After dropping Morgan off at school this morning, I went to a cardio & core class that totally kicked my butt. I suspect that between last night's workout in the weight room and this class, I may not be able to sit down to go to the bathroom. Wait, I take that back. I'll be able to sit down. Just might not be able to get up.

Anyhoo.....Bennett was in a great mood when we got home from the tennis club and we spent some time building (okay, maybe tearing down) castles with blocks. When we were done with the blocks, I asked Bennett to help me clean up and he did a great job! So, I asked him if he wanted a sticker. He told me he did and pointed to his hand (I think he thought I was talking about a stamp). So, I got a bunch of stickers down and put one on his hand and then got out some paper and crayons and let him go to town. He was loving it! He was so preoccupied that I was able to prep lunch for the kids and also some stuff to bake muffins before we had to leave to go get Morgan.

After we got home and had lunch (Bennett had to be put down for a nap early because he was throwing and hitting EVERYTHING), I baked Raisin Apple Muffins. I substituted applesauce for the oil to make them healthier. And I'll admit that maybe I was a little too loosey goosey on the measurements for the apple (and maybe I didn't cut them small enough). But I was totally bummed when after smelling this awesome smell while they were baking, I took them out and they were a total disaster. They had overflowed all over the place and were all dense and gooey. They didn't rise at all. The problem is, they SMELL awesome. Morgan's already ordered some more, but I'm going to have to recover from this experience before I try again.

I'm not a baker by nature. My husband is always the one who does the pies or whatever when we need to bring a baked good somewhere. But recently, I baked up some banana nut bread and it turned out awesome. And it wasn't even that hard! So, I got all cocky thinking I could just bake something up. Well, I baked something up alright. I should have taken pictures so you could see. They smelled delicious but they looked disgusting!


Anonymous said...

I had tried a recipe for an Indian-inspired chicken dish a while back. Smelled HEAVENLY. Looked... OK. Tasted... blech. SO sad :)

Baking can be rough - it's a science moreso than an art, if that makes any sense.

Anonymous said...

I love baking and I completely agree that it's a science. With the basic ingredients, I don't really mess with the numbers, but I'll add extra spices or different mix-ins or mess with flavorings and extracts. It's possible it's just a bad recipe that you tried and nothing you did too. It happens to all bakers a few times.