Friday, September 19, 2008

And the universe laughs in my face

Remember the woman at the gym I was talking about? The one who was experiencing some sort of disease that causes you to do socially inappropriate things like talking non-stop during an exercise class and telling someone who doesn't care about your early entrance into menopause? The one that I've tried to avoid for about five years now. Yeah, so check this out.

At the Boo Hoo breakfast on the first day of school, we were asked if we wanted a "veteran family" to be a point of contact for us to help us with any questions we might have. Figuring that it wouldn't hurt to know someone who has been around for a while, I put my name and email address down on the paper.

I got an email from my veteran family contact today. Guess who it is??

Yes, you cruel universe you!


melissa said...

no way!

Chantel said...

I wonder if the "veteran" family got a look at the list and picked you.

Lara said...

Funny I was thinking maybe she picked you also. You'll get some good stories from this one;)