Friday, May 22, 2009

A good way to end the week

After the terrible days I've been having with my strong-willed two year old, I up and decided it was the perfect time to go on a date with my husband. I called up my niece and got her to come babysit and made sure Lance would be home from work in plenty of time. I got showered and prettied up and then we went to dinner at Demetri's, where I had one too many glasses of wine for dinner! :) After that, we took in a movie at the local movie theater, seeing Angels and Demons. The movie was long and slow, but it was good to be away together. It gave us something to talk about since the movie was not nearly as good as it should have been, both of us having read the book. Plus, walking around downtown is fun!

It always makes me feel better to go out on the town with my hubby. It makes me remember why we are together and that we have connections that go beyond just raising a family. It's like a momentary slide back into life before kids. You can almost taste the carefree nature you had back then!

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