Friday, May 22, 2009

A great day!

Today, my friend Melissa A had a brand new baby boy. She was scheduled for a C section and so we knew approximately when he'd be making his debut. We were all glued to Facebook, waiting for the first word of his arrival, all eagerly anticipating the details. The big question was what his name would be since it kept secret until he was here. Other than that, who would he look like and how big would he be? Her husband, Marshall, kept us updated from his blackberry up until the time they went in for surgery. Those had to have been the longest minutes of the day! Finally, Drake Marshall arrived. He looks so much like her, with his little chin, mouth and nose. It's no mistaking who he belongs to!

Pretty soon the excitement died down a bit and I started to think about my friend and her new family member in the hospital. I got all teary-eyed remember back to the times I had spent getting to know my newborn child. With Morgan, there was so much emotion over her being a girl and the date and time that she was born. There was an instant connection. With Bennett, not knowing what to do with a boy, and also being concerned over my other child who was not with me, the connection didn't come quite as instantaneously. But by the time we had made it through the first night, my boy and I were connected very strongly. The memories I have of Lance and I getting to know each of our children for the first time will be forever sketched in my memory and I will always look back on them fondly.

Now my friends are doing the same. I'm so excited for them! Can't wait to meet Drake!

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