Wednesday, May 28, 2008

It's a boy!

We were running a little late for playgroup this morning because there was some last minute scrambling to find Morgan some Dramamine to take before she left for a field trip for preschool and so Bennett missed The Window (the only time in which the child will go down easily and quickly for a nap - between 8:30 and 9:00 am). So, I put him down at 9:15 and of course, he didn't go to sleep until 9:45.

Playgroup is at 10:30 and it takes 20 minutes to get there. I wake him up after he slept for 30 minutes and get him ready to go to playgroup. I'm a teensy bit distressed because he has not had his morning poo yet. But, what's a mom to do? So, we pack up into the car and head to playgroup. When we are about 5 minutes away from playgroup, I look in the backseat and see a red-faced Bennett. Obviously pooping. Oh joy. Now, I'm not new to this job. I know this kid and I'm certain that if we are trying to go somewhere and he's pooped in the car, this surely means a full on blow out. When we get to playgroup, I cautiously lift him from his car seat and see the familiar wet circle around his lower left butt cheek. Great.

I carry him into the house, making a grand entrance with my child held approximate a foot away from my body so as to not get any "poop juice" on the WHITE PANTS I decided to wear today. With the help of the hostess, I get him changed into his backup clothes, which deceptively say 6-12 months and now he looks like a poor homeless child. We stay and play for a while and at some point, sit down to have a snack. Once snack time is over, Bennett gets up to continue playing and I suddenly hear this really loud noise. And two of the other moms go "nice one!". My son decided to burp really loud right into one of the other kids' ear. Did I mention he's the only boy and surrounded by dainty little girls?

But the final thing that really hammered home that I am the mother to a boy today was what happened when we got home from playgroup. I bring him inside and put him in his highchair for lunch. I give him his sandwich, some goldfish and his milk and he goes to town. He's having a good ole time and laughing at himself while I'm preparing my lunch. I sit down at the table next to him and then he farts the loudest most ridiculous fart I've ever heard come out of his small body. And then he laughs. Looking to me to get my reaction, he sees that I have a startled look on my face as flashbacks of the morning spring to mind. This only entices him to do it more. I can see him pushing, and then I hear another EVEN LOUDER fart. More laughing. Another fart and more laughing and then, THEN, this BOY of mine? You know what he does? He points at himself!! Like, "Yeah Mom. That was totally me. I can do it on command". This kept going until he was pushing and no sounds came out. Boy was he disappointed at that.

It's most certainly a boy. Good grief!

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