Sunday, June 15, 2008

Bread is for ducks

Going to the duck pond that I used to go to as a kid has become a tradition for Morgan. We have to go at least once each visit out here. Yesterday was our first real opportunity since she was officially done with VBS. We headed out a little before noon and went to The Atlanta Bread Company for lunch. Bennett thoroughly enjoyed some of his grilled cheese, most of Morgan's peanut butter and jelly sandwich and a little bit of her cookie. Morgan thoroughly enjoyed cleaning Bennett up after his disasterous lunch.

Once at the duck pond, there seemed to be more hungry turtles than there were hungry ducks. We had about three ducks that swam over for our offerings, but about 20-30 turtles! The kids also had fun discovering all the Floridian things in the surrounding park. I've takent these things for granted, not realizing that we don't have an abundance of them out in California. The big lizard on the tree trunk, the woodpecker holes, the hanging Spanish moss, and the elaborate spider webs that were woven in between braches.

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