Thursday, June 5, 2008

We made it in one piece

We are here in the very warm state of Florida. We made it, pretty much intact (unless you count my sanity). Bennett was THE NIGHTMARE on the first flight. You know the one you have prior to a trip about your kid screaming and being generally inconsolable? Yep. Plus he was throwing anything I tried to distract him with. Luckily, he didn't do it the ENTIRE flight, but he also didn't sleep the entire flight! The minute we got off the plane and got him into his stroller, he was out like a light.

Oh, and a quick shout out to some people who made a generally miserable day, a little brighter.

A big THANK YOU o the lady at the check in counter at AirTran who looked the other way as my suitcase weighed in at 51.5 pounds. It didn't weigh that much on my scale at home, which I know is perfectly correct because that's what I weigh myself on nearly every day and there's no way that it could be wrong!! :) Anyway - she saved me from having to readjust stuff from my suitcase into the kids' suitcase because there's no way I'm paying for an overweight bag.

A big shout out goes to the nice gentlman who came up to me in the Atlanta airport as I was struggling with food, bags and a stroller and also ordering our drinks for lunch. He offered to get my drinks for me while I sat down at the table with the kids. What a nice man! It's too bad I had to take a pass on his southern hospitality because my daughter who's mission it is to inconvenience me decided that she had to go potty. Now. Though no more than 2 minutes before, when we passed the restrooms and I asked her if she had to go, she didn't have to go. Odd.

I can't fail to mention the lady who allowed Morgan to look on as her daughter was watching a movie at the Atlanta airport. This was my 30 minutes to recharge and it was awesome! Morgan was eating lunch and watching Mr. Magorium's Wonder Emporium while Bennett napped. I actually got to read a book at the airport with two kids under the age of five. By myself. It was pretty much a miracle.

And lastly, the lady who moved from our row, to provide us with an extra seat on our last flight and then had the decency to tell me that she knew I could use the extra room and it wasn't because she didn't want to sit next to my crazy kids.

Now that I've gotten my shout outs out of the way, there's just one more thing. Why, oh why, do I stand in the toy section of Target agonizing over the perfect choice to keep little hands and minds occupied?? This is what were the biggest hits today with Mr. Cranky Pants. A small snack size box of raisins; a healthy snack that doubles as a box to take the raisins out of (or dump them out) and then to put them back in. Rinse, repeat. A bazillion times. An empty bottle of water with a lid. To practice unscrewing the lids of things. I don't think I want him to learn this yet! And lastly, just add a few Honey-Nut Cheerios to the empty water bottle and you have a VERY entertaining musical instrument, plus it's fun to try to get the Cheerios back out once they are a little soggy. Who needs Target, anyway??

Now that we're here, having traveled thousands of miles and on the plane and in airports for hours upon hours today, what do we have on the agenda tomorrow? A nice long car ride up to Alabama.

You haven't seen crazy yet!

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