Wednesday, June 11, 2008

A whole lot of nothing

I felt like I should write something last night, but really didn't have a whole lot to say. Fact is, I've been just hanging out at my parents' house -- not even really leaving the house for whole days lately (except to go for a walk). My days have been consisting of getting up in the morning when I wake up, or when one of the kids wakes me up, whichever happens first, and getting whoever still needs breakfast fed. Since my Mom has been taking Morgan and my niece to VBS every morning, I've had the mornings alone with Bennett. It's pretty much me or my Dad chasing him around the house, trying to keep him from getting into everything. Moving the pig around for him.

I've also been trying to get some stuff done for my Mom in the mornings while she's gone. Just to help out, but mostly to stay busy. I've been cooking lunch for the kids -- Morgan, Bennett and my niece -- and having it ready when they get home. Today was my niece's birthday, so I even added a few candles to her PB&J to make it a little more special (PB&J is her favorite!). The afternoons have consisted of us getting the kids to nap so that errands can be run or things can be organized without their interruptions. We've been trying to head over to the neighborhood pool for two afternoons now, but we are in some sort of weather pattern that brings with it thunder, lightening, and rain just about the time we are ready to go swimming. Poor kids!

Bottom line is that I'm busy trying to fill my days with stuff because I can't stand having NOTHING to do. It's a sickness, right? Of course, my Dad can't stand to see my expending my energies doing useless and mundane things such as cleaning out my Mom's cabinets. He'd much rather "keep me entertained" by having me help him copy computer files and reformating hard drives. Yep, he's really looking out for me. :)

It has been fun to watch the cousins playing together. Morgan is very busy being The Oldest Child (which apparently entitles her to knowing everything, bossing everyone around, and throwing fits when she feels like it). Bennett is very busy being Mr. Busy Body; circling the girls and checking out my nephew, who's about six months younger than him. Yesterday, the girls were sitting on the living room floor and Morgan was doing her cousin's hair. She kept straighteing her neck/head with her hands and telling her that she needed to keep her head still. Gee, wonder where she got that from? My niece is not too sure about Bennett, especially now that he's walking around and might actually come take a toy from her. She has decided that she doesn't much care for that. She keeps a good eye on him. Which, of course, makes him want to be near her even more.

Today, I helped my Mom go through her desk and get things organized. It was fun to see the things that she's been hanging on to. For years. And years. And years. I know we all have things we keep for various reasons, so it's not like this was something to call Oprah about, but I was just curious about how many various size/shaped/colored pads of paper one person might need. Or boxes of rubber bands. Or those return address labels that the Humane Society sends you. Oh! Oooohh! I almost forgot that she has her very own USPS timeline in her desk drawer. Do you remember 29 cent stamps? No? Well, she's got some! And just about every other stop the postage stamp has made on it's way to it's current 42 cent value. :)

I'm very happy to report that my Mom was an easy subject. She didn't object too much to the stuff I was asking her to purge or move. I am pretending that I did not hear her say that I was "cut throat". Because at the end of the day, I know that this will make her life easier. Did I mention where I found the birthday candles I used for today's birthday celebration? In the bathroom. Of course! Isn't that where we all keep birthday candles?? ;) If that's not funny, how about the fact that my FATHER knew to find them there. Yeah, go figure. :)

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