Sunday, June 8, 2008

We are ALL family??

We are now back from Alabama and our family reunion. It was a long drive and short stay for the reunion, but it was good to see family that I haven't seen in years, in some cases. Morgan was very funny at the reunion. She couldn't even believe that she was related to ALL these people. She just couldn't believe that Grandpa had such a big family. My grandaddy was the youngest of 13 kids and of course they all had fairly substantial families, and theirs had kids. And then we had kids. And so on. It's one of those things where you are walking around and you know that you are probably related to a person, but don't know them from a total stranger. The food was good, of course. Didn't expect anything different, here in the deep south. Got my bit of banana pudding. Apparently, it's not a widely eaten thing outside of the south?? But here in the south, it's banana pudding with Vanilla Wafers and I was really looking forward to having some. It didn't disappoint!

Morgan and Bennett are all out of whack. They seriously do not know what time zone they are in. On Friday, we left to head up to Alabama shortly after lunch. They both napped in the car, but not at the same time and not for very long. After getting checked in to the hotel, we headed out to eat at a restaurant owned by one of my Dad's cousins. Bennett was a complete disaster at dinner, throwing food and just throwing a fit in general. Poor guy was tired and didn't know where in the hell we were. After dinner, we headed over to my aunt's house to see both of my aunts, my uncle and a bunch of my cousins as well as their kids. There were tons of kids running around and Morgan was in heaven! Bennett was just walking around like a zombie! Morgan was really taken with my youngest cousin, who is getting married this fall. He spent time jumping on the trampoline with her, and then she wouldn't leave his side. She also proceeded to talk EVERY ONE'S ears off. They just kept coming in from outside on the porch, one by one, telling me about what all she was saying. We finally got back to the hotel around 11 that night and Bennett decided to get his third wind and was really difficult to get to bed. Once he let himself fall asleep, he was out, though.

Saturday was the reunion and so we got up and got everyone ready to go. We headed to the hotel restaurant for breakfast. Bennett was a mess again - throwing food and screaming, so my Dad kindly took him away once he was done eating. I'm seeing a theme here - we cannot take Bennett out to eat right now! After breakfast, we made a quick stop at Walmart and then headed over to where we were having the family reunion. We got there, I put Bennett in the stroller and he pretty much fell asleep right away. Morgan immediately took off to play with all the kids there. She was having a blast. We have the reunions at this recreation center and it's actually inside a gymnasium. So, the kids were over where the hoops were, throwing balls and playing chase. It was good to let her cut loose and play with her cousins. I have such fond memories of hanging out like that with my cousins. And here she is, a generation later, doing the same stuff. It just makes you feel good, you know? And a bonus was that I was actually able to enjoy some adult conversations and catching up with family for a good couple of hours! It was nice! The food was all out and we ate and then Bennett woke up. I fed him and he seemed happy, but he was very clingy and didn't want me to be too far from him. After we all took family pictures, my Mom and I took the kids next door to a water park to play in the water. Bennett rubbed sunscreen in his eyes and proceeded to cry pretty much the whole time we were there. As soon as he stopped, Morgan decided that it was time to go because she needed a nap. Can't say I blame her. So, we got packed up and changed and headed back to the hotel.

Of course, she fell asleep in the car on the way back to the hotel and then didn't go back to sleep once we got there. Bennett was so far PAST being tired that he was walking around like a drunk. After a good hour or so of me pulling my hair out with Bennett and Morgan not napping, we got the kids out and walked them around the hotel a little and then decided to head back over to my aunt's house. Some good friends of mine from college who live close by, in Georgia, came to meet us there. They brought their two adorable girls with them and so the girls all swam (I got in the pool too) while I got caught up with them. My Mom was holding Mr. Cranky Pants and he fell asleep in her arms (just shows you how tired he was!). When he finally woke up, we got the girls out of the pool and my friends left just as we were having dinner. Morgan and Bennett both ate a TON of food and then it was time for us to get going back to the hotel. We didn't get back there until around 11 again, but this time Bennett didn't fight going to bed too much.

On the trip back home today, Bennett slept for a good hour or two on the way home. Morgan didn't sleep at all, but did play quietly on her Leapster for a while. Long enough for my Mom and I to have an interruption-free conversation. Once we got home, my Mom had to run over to the church for something they had going on. I got the kids fed and down for their naps, a little later than normal. I wasn't sure how it was going to go since they are so totally out of whack. But, they've both been down for about two hours and counting now. FINALLY! They haven't both napped at the same time in about FOUR days. It's tiring!!

This week is going to be all about getting back into a routine! Morgan is going to Vacation Bible School with my Mom in the mornings and so I'll just have Bennett to take care of in the mornings. Looking forward to some alone time with him and maybe even for me too. Mostly though, I'd like to get my children back from the cranky-non-sleeping-zombies that have taken over their bodies. :)

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