Thursday, June 12, 2008

It's the thought that counts!

Please do not alert the media, but I did, in fact, leave the house today. THREE! TIMES! My Dad was playing golf this morning, so I dropped him off at the clubhouse and then had his car to myself for as long as I needed it. I returned home and took the quickest shower ever while my Mom was still there to watch the kids. I washed AND DRIED my hair, put on makeup and got dressed. Not in workout clothes. In real clothes. You know, for my Big Day Out.

Where oh where do you go on your Big Day Out in a city that you are visiting, with your 14 month old son? THE MALL, of course! We were there when they opened and I stayed until it was time to come home for lunch. Bennett was very patient with me as I perused the various stores for the perfect little sundress. I didn't find anything for me on this trip, but did find some rompers for Bennett, in 18 month size, since he's so rapidly outgrowing his 12 month clothes. Belks and Gymboree were having really good sales, so it's all justifiable! And can I please go on for just a moment about the dresses for babies and toddlers that I found at Dillards?? It's good for my wallet that Morgan is old enough to have an opinion on clothes and that Bennett is a boy. Because if they weren't? It would have been hard to stop me. I really, SERIOUSLY considered buying some of these dresses for some of the girls in Bennett's playgroup. But I'd have to buy them all dresses. And how, exactly, would I explain that to Lance?? But, I digress. The mall was good, but Bennett got antsy and ate through all the snack I brought with me in the matter of minutes. He started screaming DaDa! at the top of his lungs, thoroughly enjoying the echo of his own voice. So that signaled our departure time. And I hadn't found that dress yet! Dang!

I came home and made lunch for the girls when they got back from VBS. Everything was going well until Morgan kept messing around at the table during lunch. This is one of those constant battles with her and, honestly, I was tired of her totally ignoring me. So, I let her know (on like the third time I had asked her to eat and quit messing around) that lunch was now over and she needed to clear her place. Now, let me be clear here that she had eaten the turkey and half of the cheese from the middle of her sandwich and she had cleared the plate of the goldfish and apples. She was not going to starve. BUT OH MY GOODNESS. OFF ALL THE INJUSTICES IN THE WORLD. The fit continued and so I asked her to just go ahead and go get in bed for her nap (about 30 minutes early). I NEED SOMETHING TO SLEEP WITH. The fit rose to a fever pitch about getting something to sleep with. I went and discussed with her that if she had not thrown such a fit about wrapping up lunch, she would have had an opportunity to pick something to sleep with. The fit continued growing, and in true Morgan style, she informed me that there was NO REASON SHE SHOULDN'T BE ABLE TO PICK OUT SOMETHING TO SLEEP WITH. I nearly lost it. I had to basically talk her down from the ledge and get her to regain control of herself. It took a loooooong time. She said a few choice things, like she doesn't like my "deals", but at the end of it, she was laying in the bed, quiet, afraid that if she made a noise she would be left at home alone while everyone else went and enjoyed the pool.

After that episode, I really needed to go back for more retail therapy. My sister-in-law and I headed back to the mall where I was rewarded for my perseverance with some killer deals (a sundress for $15!!! and a fitted jacket for $8 -- yes, you read that right!!). Once we were done at the mall, we headed back home just in time because all four of the grandkids had woken up at the same time. :) Time to get everyone in their swimsuits and sunscreen and head over to the pool. The pool was nice, but would have been nicer if Bennett would have enjoyed being IN the pool as much as he enjoyed running around and up to the edge of the pool, keeping me in a state of stress and anticipation. He actually did fall right at the edge of the pool once and that's when I decided that we'd had enough swimming! :)

The day wasn't quite what I'd pictured, but I left the house today -- three times!

Have I mentioned I miss my husband?

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