Friday, February 27, 2009

5 things I'm grateful for today

Thanks to Emily for following this blog and writing about Grace in Small Things. I've been wanting to do it from time to time, so I'm happy to do it today!

1. I have great friends who step in to help whenever needed. Today it was my friend Lara who offered to keep Bennett so I could work in Morgan's class. This made Morgan (and me) very happy.

2. Bennett didn't destroy anything at Lara's house while he was there (that I know of) and I was greeted with comments about how she wanted to adopt him because he was so good, helpful and cute. What a way to make my day! Lara even made chicken nuggets for the kids, which was great since Morgan was STARVING (she must be going through a growth spurt). In turn, I picked up some salads for us and the kids were pretty much done eating by the time we sat down, so we got to sit and eat salad and chit chat while the kids played for a little while after lunch. Soooo nice!

3. During class today, Morgan was tested for AR. This basically assesses where she is in terms of her reading and comprehension. She scored a 1.0, which the average starting first grader. Her teacher told me that she hoped she would be at a 1.4 by the end of the year, essentially at the level of a child in the fourth month of first grade. How exciting! Morgan was really frustrated by the test, but when I explained to her that it had to be hard to figure out where she was and that not all the kids even got to be tested, she mellowed out a little. Then, when we figured out that she'd actually made it into the AR group, allowing her to check out an additional book from the library every week, she got so excited that she HAD to call Daddy and Grandma. I have to say that I'm overwhelmed with pride. She started out the school year, in my opinion, slightly behind with phonetics. She has surpassed my expectations for her this year and the fact that she now has this additional path to pursue, will only help increase her reading level. I know the joy that this will bring to her over the years, so I'm just so incredibly grateful to have a child who loves to learn.

4. Making the best of the fact that Daddy is gone GoKarting with his coworkers tonight, I decided to go cash in our free movie or game coupons at Blockbuster and came home with two movies and one Wii game for free. We also went by Little Caesars for the $5 pizza and when we got home, I set the kids up in the living room with paper plates, pizza, water, and Everyone's Hero on the TV. They both sat there and ate and watched the movie for an HOUR! This is officially the world record for the longest Bennett has sat still in front of the TV. The food must have had something to do with it. What a nice break for me, though! Not only did I not have to cook, but I didn't even have to entertain them for over an hour! I'd say $5 was worth it for dinner and entertainment! Would it be wrong for me to set up the table in the living room permanently? I guess I'd have to put food out permanently too....

5. Quiet. Right now, the kids are all in bed, fast asleep after "such an awesome night" as Morgan put it. Lance is still out, so it's just me awake right now. There's no sound but the bubbling of the fish tank and the clicking of the keys on my laptop. Ahhhhhh. Drink it in.

1 comment:

emily said...

I'm glad you did a grace in small things post. There are so many things in our days to be grateful for, but sometimes you need to step back to think about them, because the hectic nature of our lives can easily overshadow them if we're not being aware.

Congratulations to Morgan - great job!