Thursday, February 5, 2009

How's this for all over the place?

Wow, what an interesting day it's been.

First off, I woke up this morning and broke my routine of going immediately to the gym from school. Instead, I dropped Morgan off and then came back home before heading to the gym. I got there a little after 9 this morning and was trying to decide what I wanted to do. I missed the 8:30 cardio & core class, so I put my iPod on and decided I'd just hit the track for some running. As I was making my way to the track, a friend of mine came in and was on her way to the 9:30 kickboxing class. Only problem was that it was one of the instructors I didn't care too much for. I decided to suck it up and go to the class anyway since my friend was going. As it turns out, that instructor was sick and my favorite instructor was teaching! I felt redemption for my disappointment on Tuesday night!! And I can assure you that it will be redemption that is kicking my butt in the morning!! :)

After the gym, I came home and ate a quick lunch, packed up a lunch for Morgan and went and picked her up from school. We made the speediest exit we've ever made from school and sped on over to the Dublin library where we met some friends from the moms club where they were making valentines for some seniors at a local senior center. Morgan was surprised and delighted by an unexpected trip to see friends with just me and especially happy that the trip included crafts! When we got in the car, I hit "go" on my GPS and it started to direct me on which way to go. Morgan asked me how it knew where I was going. "I told it where we were going", I said. She looked at me funny and said, "That's kind of weird. How can you talk to it?" I told her that I didn't talk to it, but told it what to do by pushing buttons. I told her how I had punched the button for community attractions, the one for libraries and then picked the Dublin library from the list that came up. She nodded her understanding. I said, "Then my trusty little friend tells me how to get there". She says, "I think you mean trusty little kid". I questioned why she thought it was a kid. "Because you tell it what to do. Like me and Bennett."

On the way home from the library, we were driving through downtown and Morgan commented that someone still had their Chinese New Year decorations up. I laughed a little and let her know that we had just passed a Chinese restaurant, so it probably wasn't decorations for Chinese New Year that she saw, just decorations for the restaurant. She said, "Oh. Well I'm glad you told me that. I don't want to go there!" I asked her why not. She told me that she was scared to go in there with all those Chinese people (as if there were only Chinese people in there anyway). I asked her why and her explanation was, "because I wouldn't understand what they are saying!" I explained to her that while they may speak Chinese, they also probably speak English, which is what we speak. So I think we'll understand each other and there's no reason to be afraid.

Which totally reminded me of a story my mom tells about me on a trip to Vail, Colorado. I was convinced that we were leaving the country for some reason. Maybe the long flight? Anyway, I kept talking about us going to a different country where they spoke a different language and my mother repeatedly told me that we were not going to another country, we were going to a different state and they would speak the same language that we did. She finally got me to understand and then we got off the plane in Colorado. Where I proceeded to witness a conversation in another language by some random people at the airport. "SEE!! I told you!!"

But back to today. Tonight was Open House at Morgan's school. She was so excited to take us there and show us (mostly Daddy, of course), all of her hard work. It was a little chaotic tonight, especially having Bennett there when he was up super early this morning and had very little sleep today (short napper). Plus there was some awkwardness with me introducing myself to another parent and then there's the whole issue of the basket we worked so hard to pull together being RAFFLED off instead of being AUCTIONED off, which is a huge difference in my opinion. Seriously, we got GYMNASTICS BIRTHDAY PARTY, worth over $300 dollars donated as just ONE of the items in ONE of our baskets. And you're just going to raffle it off for a dollar a pop? I guess they "don't have the man power to do an auction". Very disappointed at that. Plus, we put a lot of time and effort into these baskets, even splitting them into two to earn more money for the school. I see some auction management in my near future. But you know what, this is supposedly one of the biggest fundraisers for the school. Might as well do it right!

Yeah, I'm all over the place tonight.

1 comment:

Chantel said...

My dad recently took my niece (his granddaughter) to Iowa. It was a longer road trip, (we just live in MN!) but she hadn't really been anywhere other than home before. She kept asking what language they spoke in "Ohiowa"and if they would be able to find some food she could eat. And if needed a passport.

It was too funny!