Tuesday, February 17, 2009

I am now that mom

You know the one. The one that is blissfully unaware that her 22 month old child is off in the nursery at the gym throwing up. Yep, that's me. *waves*

My heart sank when I saw my favorite nursery worker come running into the exercise studio where I was wrapping up the cardio & core class (although she came *just* as we were on our last set of abs, when I could barely even breathe anymore so at least the timing was right). I mouthed, "me??" while pointing to myself before she could even make her way into the room. She nodded and I flew out of the room as fast as if I hadn't just given it my all in the previous hour that I had been exercising. As we were "power walking" back to the nursery, she tells me that he threw up everywhere. Oh my goodness!

I start explaining that he'd been sick -- I told them this when I dropped him off this morning -- and that I'd kept him home for TWO WEEKS while he recovered. We even talked about how empty the tennis club was this morning due to the rain and that's when I also told them this morning that now that he was totally healthy (haha!) I was not about to miss another workout. Oh man!! I explained to every nursery staff person I saw that he WAS sick, but it was a cold/cough thing. NOT THROWING UP! I would have never have brought him if I thought he was going to throw up. Oh man!

I get home and as soon as we walk in the door, he's standing there waiting for me to take his jacket off and he throws up all over the entry way floor. Poor baby! I strip him down, in what will be the first of many, many wardrobe changes of the day and set him up on the couch with towels and a little bowl for him to throw up in. Not that he wants to do that.

My poor baby has thrown up more times than I can count today. It's slowed down, at least, to only every 30-35 minutes rather than every 15 minutes like he was doing this morning. At one point, I was holding him and he fell asleep. I was still all sweaty and nasty from the gym, so I thought I'd grab a quick shower while I could. I put him down in his crib (triple lined with sheet covers and towels) and took the quickest shower I've ever taken and he managed to throw up while I was in there. Poor baby. I felt so bad for putting him down. So, I've spent all afternoon holding him while he alternated between sleeping and throwing up. He's finally starting to show signs of getting a little better...he asked to get down. I decided it was time to give him some ice chips to see how he does with those. He seems to have perked up a little. Melissa dropped off some pedialyte pops earlier, which was awesome of her, so if all goes well with the ice chips, we'll try the pedialyte pops in a bit.

Kristin brought Morgan home from school for me (thank you again, Kristin!) which is good because Bennett must have thrown up at least 3 times in the time it would have taken me to get there, get her and get home. Morgan was good about eating her lunch nicely and taking her nap without any fuss because she sees how sick her brother is. She's even moderately okay about missing ballet, though she could really use it to burn off some of this energy.

Having a child that's sick just sucks! Although, I have to admit I love the cuddly side of my poor little guy. I'm focusing on that to help get me through the day. Lance won't be home until late again, I'm sure. Being a mom is hard work! But I'm so glad I can be here to comfort my little guy. I just keep telling him that Momma is here. Momma has you. You're going to be okay.

1 comment:

emily said...

Poor Bennett. My Ben saw the picture, and said he was going to "pick up the baby" and tried to scoop him off the screen. Then he covered him up with his blankie - which he normally doesn't share.

I hope he's feeling better, and that the bug stays away from the rest of you!