Monday, February 9, 2009

Want to know what follows a day in bed?

A burst of energy! And the strong urge to decontaminate your entire house.

Since Bennett is still coughing and snotty, I was stranded at home today and decided to make the best of it and get things clean, from top to bottom. Now, this is atypical for me since I normally do a little bit at a time, but between Bennett's cold and my stomach virus, I wanted the germs OUT! I stripped all the beds, cleaned all the bathrooms, mopped all the floors and wiped down all surfaces and door knobs.

So, germs, in case you didn't get the memo. GET THE HELL OUT OF MY HOUSE!!

I managed to do all this, entertain Bennett, go to the grocery store, help Morgan with a ton of her homework, AND cook dinner. And it went relatively smoothly. Yeah, I know. I was shocked too. Picture sitting at the table EATING CARROTS and doing homework while I cook dinner. I know! I have no idea what happened. Apparently my prayers were answered.

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