Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Family fun for three

Today was FREE DAY! at The Bay Area Discovery Museum, which just so happens to be one of my favorite museums in the bay area. Lance has never been, so we decided to pack some lunches and head across the bay to Sausalito for a little family fun.

Minus Morgan.

I have to admit, that it felt weird. It even felt a little wrong. The night before, when she asked where we were going, I just answered, "you don't want to know". I know how upset she would be if she realized that we were going there without her. I think she might love it even more than I do. But, that's probably not the reason she would be upset. It would be the betrayal of us all going WITHOUT her. WITH Daddy. How dare we.

But you know what? We did this all the time with her before Bennett was born. Heck, we've even done it since he was born. She has had the two of us to herself so much and Bennett? Well, he's never had the two of us to himself. So, I used that to alleviate the guilt I was feeling, and looked forward to a fun day out with my two guys.

Honestly, it was strangely peaceful and fun! I'm used to taking both kids to these types of places by myself. Two to one, me being the minority. This time it was two to one, but the adults had the majority and it made it so nice! No having to split time. No having to worry about making both kids happy. No having to referee fights. It was Bennett's day. To decide what HE wanted to do. By himself and just for himself. And it was fun to have the peace and quiet to watch my husband be a father. We are often so busy caring for one child or the other, that we miss out on those moments.

I realized while we were there that there are certain things that are easier when you have a sibling along, however. Like, when Bennett was playing with the trucks in the gravel, Morgan totally would have been looking out for him, making sure the other kids didn't take his shovel and showing him the ropes. Or how much fun they actually do have when they are together. But, it was also nice to see Bennett being his own person, without the influence of an overbearing big sister. He had to get the trucks himself, keep the shovel close by or get it back himself. It's when you have them apart that you realize how different life is with more than one child. You get so used to doing everything with two, the difference practically screams at you when you just have the one.

We had a wonderful day and I don't feel that guilty about doing it while Morgan was at school and Daisy's. Only a little guilty that she missed out on the family fun which included Daddy.

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