Monday, February 23, 2009

The one where I talk in way too much detail about poop

As you are all fully aware, my life has been consumed not *just* with vomit, but also with lots of loose watery poopy diapers. I know, it's just about as much fun as a girl can handle. But, just picture this if you will.

You are fast asleep. Your husband has gotten up and has gotten in the shower, so the thick haze of sleep is gradually dissipating. Out of the corner recesses of your mind you hear the following, "Daddy! Put mine diaper back on!". Sure it's just a lingering dream, you turn over and try to get one last bit of sleep. That's when you hear it again, "Daddy. Mine diaper off!" Suddenly, the voice sounds familiar and real. Almost audibly, the gears of your mind start moving and putting the pieces together. The voice? Your son's. The diaper? Possibly full of diarrhea. And then it happens -- your mind forces your body up before you have really connected the dots. Before you know it, you are downstairs and opening the door of your son's room. To find that he has, in fact, unfastened his diaper. A wave of panic and a quick scan of the entire crib for signs of the yellow, watery poop ensue. Relief hits when you realize that there has been no breech. That's when you have a FIRM discussion with your son about who, exactly, is allowed to take his diaper off. The only options are Mom or Dad. That's IT! He keeps pulling up on the front of the diaper, like he's trying to pull it off by the front of it. Crazy kid.

See, I never had to worry about this with Morgan. It never dawned on her that she could actually take the diaper off herself. Why can't Bennett be equally as innocent and NOT precocious?

In other news, there have only been TWO poopy diapers today. And while they aren't "normal", they certainly aren't of the watery, drippy nature that we've been dealing with for a week now. He's actually kept THE SAME PAIR OF PANTS on ALL DAY! Small wonders.

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