Thursday, February 19, 2009

The power of mom

Okay, so I'm going on day three of being locked in the house with a very sick toddler and just as I'm about to lose my mind, I get to get out of the house for a dessert social with some of the girls from the moms club tonight. Wow, that was a long sentence. Anyway, I'm always happy to get out for whatever is the outing of the day, but getting some great women out with some wine, coffee, and delicious desserts is really a treat!

We have a new dessert place in town called Nothingbundtcakes. Obviously, the make bundt cakes! Anyway, one of the moms from the moms club was in there one day talking to the owner about spreading the word about their new business. She mentioned the moms club and WHAM before I knew it, they offered to provide us with a bundt cake for the dessert social. They provided us with a "Cute as a Bundton" cake, and it was super cute! It tasted good also. We put some of their brochures out and a bunch of the ladies took one. Because that's how it works with us moms. If you treat us right and we like what we see, we're likely to remember that next time we need something special or if a friend asks us for a recommendation.

You'd be surprised the things we've been given from businesses, just by simply (1) asking for the donation and (2) stating the obvious, you will have the support of the moms in our club. Days at the spa, winery tours and private tastings, month-long family memberships to the tennis club, golfing for two, dinners, toys, WHATEVER! Lately, we've been having our club supporters (those that advertise in our newsletter) offer up promotional goods for us to raffle off. Tonight, I was the recipient of four free tickets to see High School Musical on ice, which is on tour now and coming to our area in the next two weeks. Morgan is going to be thrilled! My friend Lara and I agreed before the drawing that if one of us won it, we'd take the other one and her daughter. So, Morgan is even more thrilled that we'll be going with Chenoa!

Other items we've been given are child proofing baskets, knitting baskets, organic baby clothes baskets, etc. All just because we are moms. And I'm ALL about expoiting that. Hey - that's the true power of mom! :)

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