Tuesday, March 3, 2009


It's amazing to me how much more energy I have when I am able to follow my routine of getting up before the kids, getting ready for the gym, taking Morgan to school and then spending time exercising, showering, and taking care of myself in general. I always pick Bennett up from the nursery, energized, refreshed and ready for the rest of the day.

Today when I picked him up, he was all smiles and ready to go! One of the ladies in the nursery commented to me about how much he's talking. Ummm, yeah. Complete sentences. A lot. Like all the time. For example, after the gym today, we headed over to a golf club in Pleasanton to talk to them about being a potential venue for the moms' club Mothers Day brunch this year. It was a good 20 minute drive, through pouring rain, up windy muddy roads and Bennett talked THE ENTIRE TIME. I actually had to ask my not-even-two year old child to PLEASE BE QUIET SO MOMMA CAN THINK. It's almost like my energy is contagious. :)

My energy lasted all day. No napping, no stopping. And loving every minute of it.

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