Thursday, March 5, 2009

Kindergarten Crushes

There's a little boy in Morgan's class that I've come to realize has a crush on her. It didn't dawn on me until the night of Open House when his Dad said, "Oh THAT'S Morgan! We hear a lot about her". Since then, I've been paying attention to two of them in class and I've seen this little boy really looking out for Morgan.

There was the time on 100th day when Morgan had just finished stringing her 100th Fruit Loop and was walking over to have it tied on as a necklace when she dropped it. 42 Fruit Loops fell on the floor, so she got a little upset. This little boy rushed right over and started picking up the Fruit Loops she had dropped. We counted out 42 new ones and she proceeded to finish her necklace. When she was done, I advised her on the best way to hold the strings of her necklace so as to not drop it again. Only she did drop it again. And this time I wasn't quite as patient. I told her that I wasn't going to count out more Fruit Loops for her to string on the necklace and that if she wanted to finish the necklace with the ones on the floor, that was fine but that she was NOT going to be eating them. This little boy steps in and offers up his necklace. I convince him that he should keep it (I *have* seen it scooting about on the floor after all!) and he decides that he'll make her another one. How sweet, right??

Today, when I picked Morgan up from school, she was upset. She told me that some of the boys were mean to her. As I was talking to her, this same little boy realized that she was upset. He comes over to her and asks her what is wrong. She doesn't answer, so I tell him that she was upset because some of the boys were being mean to her. He demands to know who and I could tell just by the way he was talking that this was totally in her defense. If he could have, he would have had some serious talkings with the said offenders.

I get the full scoop on what happened today from the teacher. Apparently Morgan got pulled away for testing and when she came back, the boys she was playing with were not interested in having her rejoin them. And there was also a special toy involved from the star of the week - the little boy who's crushing on Morgan! Apparently he even saved Morgan a part of the toy to play with (complete with snatching it from another child because "Morgan has been waiting a while to play with this").

As we are leaving, I am talking to Morgan about how it's the boys' loss if they aren't nice to her and how if they aren't nice then she shouldn't want to play with them anyway. I was talking to her about how nice it was of this other little boy to save the toy for her and to stick up for her. It had never dawned on my observant daughter before that time that he may actually like her. I told her that he was a nice friend and she said, "Yeah. So are the girls. They are all nice."

See, she's totally oblivious to the fact that he's got a little crush on her because she's so busy having a crush on another little boy from a different class that doesn't give her the time of day. And so it begins. Morgan being interested in the boys who don't know she exists and the ones that do, she's totally oblivious to. Although, I do have to say with mildly embarrassing satisfaction that Morgan was so upset with me the other day (she thought I was walking too fast and therefore dropped her playdough animal on the ground and it was very clearly MY FAULT), that we walked right by the boy she likes and he was all, "BYE MORGAN" and she did a half hearted wave. The adult that was with the boy actually said "wow, she dissed you!" LOL. That's my girl, a little heart breaker.

This is just the beginning. Lord help me!

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