Monday, March 30, 2009

Reality gracefully tumbles back down

I was so tired last night that I was out by 10pm. I guess that's what a long, emotional weekend will do for you. Nevertheless, time marches on, as does life. With a renewed spiritual energy, I woke up and did my morning devotional, got things packed up for a walk at a local park with my friend Kristin, and got Morgan off to school. Kristin and I walked our furthest route yet - about 4 miles and then took Bennett to story time at the library. He enjoyed it as usual, especially since this week's theme was fish. After story time, we had just enough time at home for me to get the bathrooms cleaned while corn dogs were cooking in the oven. I wrapped them up in tin foil, packed up some other stuff and headed to pick Morgan up from school. Her classmates were meeting at a park by our house for a picnic after school! We spent a good two hours there before it was time to come home. I put the kids down for their naps and then right as I was sitting down to catch up on email and facebook, my mom calls. I had hoped to talk to her, so I spent a good long time catching her up on everything and anticipating her upcoming visit here with her. I started prepping spaghetti for dinner and before I knew it, nap time was over and the kids were up! Dinner, bath time, bed time, dishes. Finally able to sit down and relax with my hubby after all the day's reality came tumbling back down.

I need a weekend away from my weekend away. :)

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