Friday, January 23, 2009

Everyone gets a vacation!

I guess it would not be appropriate for me to go on and on about my cute, smart, funny and ever so demanding children and also not mention my cute, smart, funny and not so demanding husband. You see, you may remember his moronic employer came up with a "scheme" to reduce the pay of all their employees by 20% in an effort to "align everyone in their decision making". When asked, they do not admit that it is, in fact, a pay cut, but rather an "opportunity" to MAKE MORE! Because, when they start making more money, rather than losing it like they've done for 13 consecutive months, they will generously share that with the employees who have been doing 125% of the work they initially signed up for (due to layoffs) at 80% of their pay. Isn't that nice of them?

Yeah, we didn't think so either. So, my husband updated his resume and started pounding the pavement around Christmas. He was fortunate enough to get hooked up with a recruiter who got him in for an interview at a very similar company to where he was already working, shortly after the new year. Apparently, he aced the interview because he was the first person that they've wanted to extend an offer to without even bringing them back for a second interview. So, we were awaiting their offer.

Then, the VP of Engineering at his current company tells him that he may want to start looking for a job since the company is circling the drain. He even recommends him for another job at another company and hooks him up with an interview with the hiring manager, who makes him a verbal offer. This happened the same day that the written offer came in from the first company. The timing starts getting really sticky when the VP tells Lance that they are doing more layoffs and asks if he wants to be on the list. Knowing that Lance is looking and that he's recommended him for another job, he really wants to salvage a different programmer rather than laying him off to have Lance leave the following week.

So, yesterday my husband was laid off (with a severance package) and also accepted the job at the first company due to a deadline on the offer. Today, he is going in for the formal interview at the second company. And now? He's off until February 9th. And you know what that means. Family time, help with the kids, Lance getting to do stuff with the kids that he hasn't been able to do, and over all goodness. I might even get a vacation too. :)

In this tough economic climate, I know that we are extremely blessed to have things go like this. A severance package and possibly two job offers are beyond the things we hoped and wished for back in December. We are truly, truly blessed! Oh, and husband is a stud!

1 comment:

Lara said...

Congrats:) Go Lance you rock!