Thursday, January 15, 2009


We've been fortunate to have over a week's worth of weather that has been truly "Spring like". The highs have been in the high 60's, low 70's and it's been just gorgeous. Seeing as how, according to the almanacs, it should be raining cats and dogs right now, how can you not take advantage of it? I mean, isn't this what we pay exurbanite amounts of money for housing and taxes for to live in this beautiful state?

Thursday afternoons we have a playgroup that seems to be faltering. Like, as in it's usually us and one or two other families there. But, I just couldn't keep my kids home on a gorgeous afternoon. So, we went to playgroup, all by ourselves, to a park in Pleasanton. After the park, we met Lance at Sweet Tomatoes for dinner. Now, it's amazing that this little girl of mine who used to ask every day if we could go out to dinner (since we went out so often), was so excited to be GOING OUT TO DINNER. I mean, this must have come a close second to Disneyland, judging by her reaction. And the fact that it was SWEET TOMATOES! Well, that's just her MOST FAVORITE PLACE! LOL

It's amazing, isn't it? When you get something so frequently, you quickly fall into a state of expecting it to be that way. Over the spring and summer, and even most of the fall, we get to enjoy gorgeous weather. And we just expect it to be that way. Sometimes, we aren't even grateful for it. But when it's been cold or frosty or raining and then we get a week's worth of sun, we can totally appreciate it. Much in the same way that when going out to eat is cut back to only occasionally (like once or twice a month), how much more we appreciate it.

I wish I could capture the gratitude and unload it on a day of greediness. Because it makes everything so much sweeter.

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