Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Things made easier today

Since Lance has some time off before he starts his new job, things have been a bit easier. Here's the list from just today.

1. He took Morgan to school today. She was SO excited that Daddy was able to drop her off at school today. And I think he was a little excited that he was able to do it.

2. Since he was here, I was able to take Bennett to Little Star Cafe and didn't have to rush home to pick Morgan up from school. AND he fed her. AND cleaned up after. He's a gem, I tell ya!

3. When we got home, I was not feeling well, so I was able to attend to my own needs while someone else put the kids down for their naps.

4. I was able to lay on the couch with a heating pad without worrying about the time or when the kids would be up.

5. I took Morgan to ballet and didn't have to deal with the little shorty who likes to run away from me when I'm yelling STOP!

6. I didn't have to get the kids ready to go out on my own. There was someone else here to repeatedly tell someone to focus and put their socks and shoes on.

7. We were able to go out to dinner, early, and I was able to get to my movie night tonight on time and without our patented Kid Swap.

8. Daddy handled bath time and finishing homework and all the other stuff after I'd left for the movies.

This is all without even mentioning how nice it is to just have him around. Like, to see him interacting with the kids throughout the day. To have him nearby me. I may be getting spoiled. Can't we just become independently wealthy already?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Life is good!!