Thursday, January 22, 2009

Kids and the stories they tell

I don't remember at what age Morgan's imagination took off, but her little brother is running full steam ahead. This morning, while driving home from dropping Morgan off at school, we had the following conversation.

Bennett: Miss Aunt Terry (I miss Aunt Terry)
Me: Oh, did you have fun at Aunt Terry's house?
Bennett: Yeah.
Me: What was your favorite thing you did there? What did you like best?
Bennett: Uhhhh.....DOG!
Me: Oh, you had fun with Toby?
Bennett: Yeah. Toby eat. Toby eat pancake.
Me: What??? Toby ate your pancake?
Bennett (laughing): Yeah!!!
Me: This morning?
Bennett: YEAH!!
Me: That silly Toby! Is he at my house?
Bennett: No. In Daddy car.
Me: He's in Daddy's car??
Bennett: Yeah!
Me: That crazy Toby!
Bennett: At Memaw Pepaw house!
Me: He's also at Grandma and Grandpa's house?
Bennett: Yeah! Yeah! Yeah!!!
Me: Wow. He really gets around!
Bennett: Toby in Momma car.
Me: No he's not! He's not in my car!
Bennett: In Momma car!!!
Me: Where?
Bennett (pointing to Morgan's booster seat): Right here!
Me: Really??
Bennett: Yeah!!!

At this point, he gets distracted because he sees a VW bug.

Bennett: Beetle Bug!
Me: Yep, there's a beetle bug!
Bennett: Me Drive Beetle Bug!
Me: You want to drive a beetle bug?
Bennett: Yeah.....

This kid is not even 2 yet. We are really in for some tall tales! :)

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