Thursday, January 29, 2009

Morgan's first school "project"

The task is to collect 100 items and put them on a poster board to display at Open House next week. They are celebrating the 100th day of school and so this fits with that theme. They didn't have to have 100 of the same thing, but they were to count 100 items (grouping into 10s) and put them on a poster board. They were able to make a picture out of it if they wanted.

The very first thing Morgan suggested was pebbles. Then we talked about her shell collection (which she reluctantly agreed to use) and then we thought we'd incorporate some of her fish stickers. Who knew we had so many stickers! :)

Without further ado, here is Morgan's first school project.

We worked on it together, but I'm proud to say that I let go of *some* of my perfectionism and let her finish up the painting and place all the stickers wherever she wanted. Maybe by the time she's in high school I can let go altogether! :)

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