Wednesday, January 7, 2009

It's a lot of work making these memories!

Today has been a very long and busy day. Even though he was working from home, Lance got up with us in the morning and helped us get out the door with lunches packed and waters filled. Bennett and I met Kristin to walk our standard Wednesday route at Sycamore Grove and then we raced home so I could shower before playgroup. We headed over to Pleasanton for playgroup, where Bennett had lots of fun hanging with his girls: Clare, Taylor, Kylee and Fiona. Clare and Bennett have become quite the buds and they had fun following each other through the crawl tunnels and even spent some time breaking down a song about Clare Bear. :) At one point, Bennett had fallen off the steps and hurt himself and I was comforting him. Clare came over and wanted to give him a hug, so I asked him if he wanted a hug from Clare. "Ohhh yeah!" LOL!

We had lunch at playgroup and then stayed until it was time to pick Morgan up from school after her reading group. We went home and Bennett went down for his nap and then Morgan and I grabbed the rice krispie treats I had made for snack and headed over to the first Daisy meeting of the new year. The girls talked about taking care of the Earth, to earn their light pink "Make the World a Better Place" petal. They made super hero sock puppets that help save the planet. It was very cute!

After Daisy's we came home and I tried to grab a quick nap, but the kids weren't really cooperating. So, I was up and played with them for a bit before I had to get ready for my mothers club board meeting. The meetings seem to keep lasting longer and longer, which is a problem for someone who's already running on empty. I didn't get home until 10:30!

Lots of stuff packed into one day, but also lots of good memories! I can sleep when they are teenagers who care nothing about this stuff, right? :)

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