Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Mr. Smarty Pants

While Morgan has been unusually GOOD lately (great, really), Bennett has been unusually....well, we'll say NOT good. He's such a two year old already, though he won't be for another 3 months. You do something he was wanting to do himself?? He will demand that he does it. ME!! Over and over again until he has done it. Tantrum ensuing, even if you allow him to do it, but it didn't start that way.

Even though he's becoming more and more challenging as the days draw closer and closer to the big T-W-O, he continues to fascinate me with everything he catches on to.

Like, he's figured out that we don't ALWAYS come running the moment he wakes up and starts calling us in the morning. So, he's developed new and ingenious methods of getting us in there quicker. First it was "Momma! Poopy! Moooooommmaaaa!!! Poooooooopppy!" Only, I went in there and when I got there, he was laying down on his tummy and he looked up at me with this devious grin on his face and he practically laughed out loud as he said "Momma! Upppy!" And there was no poop to be found. The next time, it was "Daddy! Wipe! Nose! Daaaaadddyyyy! Wipe! Nose!" You can guess where this goes - there were no tissues necessary in this scene. He's tried it with "Momma! Wet!! Mooooommmmmaaa! Weettt!" only to have a perfectly dry diaper.

He's also figured out that the gate between the kitchen and the dining room and be set ajar ever so slightly so that it doesn't latch, allowing complete and full access to all things taboo in the kitchen. He now insists that HE closes the gate. And he closes it slowly, purposefully, and makes sure it is ajar before he runs off, all proud of himself and his clever ways.

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