Friday, January 30, 2009

Spoiled, spoiled, spoiled

I think I just might throw the world's biggest tantrum when Lance goes back to work. I've been getting WAY too spoiled over here. Yesterday, he got the kids up and to school on time while I slept-in and woke up to an empty house. What a treat! Then today, he watched Bennett while I worked in Morgan's classroom and then packed up a lunch for us and met us at the park after school. After we all ate the Daddy-packed-lunch (full bags of chips and foot longs from Subway :) !), I was able to sit on the bench at the park and chit chat with my friend Kristin while the Dads chased the kids around the playground. How nice!! And Morgan and Bennett are just loving all the special attention they are getting from Daddy.

After school, we all came home and when the kids went down for their naps, I was able to get a good long nap in. When I woke up, instead of having to get up and get dinner going, Lance grilled pork chops, made mashed potatoes and green beans. So, I got a glass of wine and relaxed even more by getting one of Morgan's puzzles out and starting the sorting process. Before I knew it, dinner was cooked! After dinner, we got Bennett in bed and then we were both able to work on Morgan's Valentine's Day "mailbox" with her. I'm taking full advantage of having Daddy here to get all the work done that we need to get done over the next few weeks. It makes it so much easier when there's an extra set of hands around.

I know, it's not going to last for long. But I sure am going to savor every moment of it. I know how hard it's going to be when he goes back to work, especially with the long hours that they warned him about.

Again, why can't we be independently wealthy??

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