Wednesday, January 21, 2009

A tiny rant

Okay, I have a complaint. WHY, oh WHY must the bath toy manufacturers make toys that allow the water to go IN easily, but make it nearly impossible to get the water out. It seems that no matter how much I squeeze, push, or strain, I can never get all the water out. And that water that gets stuck inside there? Yeah, it turns to mildew or mold. We have ruined our fair share of rubber duckies because their skins have turned black from the inside out. And there's no way that I can figure out how to save them.

On manufacturer has it right. Morgan got this as a gift several years ago. Dora has no holes to allow the water in. She's completely air tight. So are her twin cousins (they are her cousins, right?) Therefore, I never have to worry about spending the 10-15 minutes a bath night getting the water out of her every crack and crevice.

So, if you think about starting a bath toy making company, please keep my complaints in mind.


Chantel said...

Claudia got this light up bath toy for her birthday. When it hit the water (it was a turtle) it would light up! SO COOL. Looked air tight. It was hard plastic. She adored it.

The next morning, I looked in our tub and black/brown ooze was coming from it. Well, water got stuck. I shook and shook that thing, and no way was that water coming out. I kept it, hoping it would dry out and it never did. Just kept oozing black stuff. I threw it, but it ticked me off! Stupid bath toys!

emily said...

On a mailing list I'm on there was a bath toy discussion. Some suggestions were to use a nail to make the holes larger, so that the animals drain more easily. Some people once every week or two will make a solution of hot water and bleach and suck it up with the toys, shake it around, let it sit for an hour or so to kill the germies, then squirt it back out, then repeat the process a few times with very hot clean water to get rid of the bleach. Too much trouble for me. I do my best to squeeze them out, then toss them when they get icky.

aspohn said...

Amen sister! I am right there with you. Carter's toys get so disgusting! A little Dora trivia, the twins are her brother and sister. You oughta be ashamed.