Saturday, January 10, 2009

It's an all girls weekend!

Lance had a geocaching thing to go to today. He left right after lunch and got home a little after 9pm. We took this opportunity to have a girls' night IN! We invited Kristin and Kaitlyn over for pizza, nail painting, popcorn, movie, and ice cream! Bennett was pretty cranky; his eye teeth are coming in right now, so I'm not sure if that's what gave us the pleasure of his crankiness or what. So as soon as it was bed time, we got him in bed and then proceeded with sparkly nail paint and popcorn. Coupled with the world's most depressing KIDS chick flick. I rented Kit Kittredge: An American Girl. The setting is during the depression and the main character's father, Mr. Kittredge, loses his job in Cincinnati, Ohio and has to go away to Chicago in search of work. They can't afford a telephone anymore, so Kit has to rely on letters from her father to keep her going. Her friends are losing their homes, her mother has to start taking in transients or people who have lost their homes to help make ends meet. Then, someone steals the only money they have to pay their mortgage and their home goes into foreclosure. NOT a light girls' night in kind of movie. Luckily, it ends up on a happy note, but seriously, 95% of the movie was super depressing! Nothing that a little ice cream couldn't fix, though.

Lance and Dan got home around the same time, so we had Dan meet us here and we played a game of Cranium while the girls played Guess Who, a Dr. Seuss game and Hullabaloo. It was fun to see Kristin's robo cop impression and to watch Dan do somersaults. :)

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