Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Bennett's 2 year well check

Today, after my parents left for the airport, we saw our beloved pediatrician for Bennett's two year well check. I was sad to hear Bennett asking if he could go with "Meemaw and Peepaw" to the airport, but promised him fun times at the doctor's office!

His stats were 33.75 inches (50th percentile) and 30 pounds (shot up to 75th percentile). He's still steady on his growth curve, on track to be around Lance's height. Developmentally, Bennett is far beyond where he should be, just turning two. He is closer to 2.5 or 3, and that includes all the negative stuff as well. He's extremely talkative, continuing to blow our pediatrician away. The doctor promised another six to nine months of "the terrible twos", but failed to mention anything about the "torturous threes", which were worse for me than the twos with Morgan. Maybe he's getting it all out of his system now? The doctor reinforced that our consistent discipline is what will help us get through this and that it will take a lot of patience as Bennett continues to test us. He claims that even though Bennett is more difficult than Morgan was, he is still really good, compared to other kids, so I'm REALLY GLAD I don't have those other kids. :)

We also talked briefly about the nap situation with Morgan and he reinforced what I kind of instinctively have known, my daughter just might be one of those kids that needs more sleep. I don't need to worry about weaning her now, there's plenty of time for her to adjust later. Whew!

At the end of the appointment, Bennett got his Hep A shot, kicked the nurse, and then both kids got lollipops and we were off!

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