Wednesday, April 1, 2009

The space between

Sometimes having children almost four years apart in age has it's benefits. Such as being able to enjoy a nice long playgroup with my youngest while my oldest is in school. It's so nice to be able to have him have his very own playgroup and that I'm able to do it without an older child vying for attention. He has his own friends, not just his sister's friends. He gets his own time with me just like she did.

However, there are times that it's very difficult. Like when the oldest has her own activities that interfere with the youngest's sleep schedule. Today, we hung out at playgroup until it was time to pick Morgan up after her small reading group after school. Then, less than an hour later she had Daisies, for an hour. None of these time chunks were long enough for Bennett's nap. Since he sometimes doesn't go down until 2pm, I figured keeping him up and not letting him nap until after Daisies was probably the way to go (they get done at 3pm). He handled it as well as can be expected, but was so overtired when we got home that he screamed and screamed when it was time for nap.

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