Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Be prepared

I spent the better part of the day going from store to store. Not like a fun, hey let's run over to Nordie's shopping trip. Nooo, this one included stores like Dom's Outdoor Outfitter, Orchard Supply Hardware, and Walmart. Far from fun, but I'm making progress on the crazy long list of items needed for upcoming Girl Scout Camporee weekend. Things like ponchos, compasses, light sticks, emergency whistles and day packs. We were warned to pack light (as the girls have to haul their own gear), but yet this long list of things we need doesn't really lend itself to that sentiment.

Nevertheless, I have begun the process of packing. Good thing I'm crazy about having lots of Ziploc bags on hand, because EVERYTHING is going in a Ziploc bag. I mean, not only does it help compact clothes and stuff, but also? Despite having completely warm and wonderful weather for several days now, we are expecting the weather to turn cold, and worse....WET! The forecast is showing potential showers all weekend.

As I'm packing things up, Morgan is getting more and more excited about the trip. We've discussed ad nauseum the plan for when we are leaving, where we are going, who's going to be there. We've discussed activities there and how we'll eat and all these kinds of things. However, I am thinking that nothing I can do or say is going to truly prepare her or me for a weekend of first time scout camping.

I know it's the boy scout motto, but I'm stealing it for this weekend. Be prepared. That's my plan.

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