Sunday, April 26, 2009



I think that word pretty much sums up today. After another cold and fitful night of sleep for both myself and Morgan, we woke up even earlier than yesterday for a morning "sunrise" ceremony called "Scouts Own". At least we were allowed to wear our jammies! The girls were asked to not speak from the minute we left the tents until the ceremony was over. When you factored in that many of the older troops had overslept and we had to wait for them to start, the ceremony went much longer than anticipated. Especially for sleepy girls. Who can't talk. :)

After the scouts own ceremony, we headed down to the dining hall for our last meal of Camporee. Pancakes, fruit, bacon, and yogurt awaited us as well as the hot chocolate and coffee from yesterday. Morgan was too exhausted to talk much while eating and before long, it was time for us to pack the cars up, take the tents down, and head home.

We got home around 11ish, just in time for Morgan and I to get showers before lunch. We ate lunch and then napped for a little while until it was time for me to get ready to go work Bingo for the school. Yes, I think I deserve a medal for this! ;-) A mother's work is never done.

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