Tuesday, April 7, 2009


I've never been a patient person. If I have to wait in a line that has more than two people in front of me, I'm mentally going through exit scenarios or alternative plans. Or better yet, if I'm waiting at a stop light and it turns green, the person in front of me just needs to GO. I mean, really, what are you waiting for?? So, you take someone like me, you add two offspring who are equally as patient and you mix in a little bit of missing Grandma and Grandpa and what you come up with is a group of people practically climbing the walls waiting for Grandma and Grandpa's arrival! Luckily Morgan had school to keep her busy, but there's no such thing for Bennett and I, so I opted for the cardio & core class at the tennis club to help keep me busy (and oh boy did it!). Their plane was to arrive at roughly 11ish, so by the time they got their bags and rental car and drove out here from SFO, we're looking at around 1, right? Enough time for me to get the kids home from picking up Morgan, to feed them lunch and then be ready when Grandma and Grandpa arrived. Except at 1pm? Grandma called to let me know they were just on their way in the rental car. It's bad enough when you're anticipating something and things get delayed as an adult. But kids get even more upset. I opted to go ahead and put Bennett down for his nap while Morgan and I waited for the grand arrival. We read books and tried to keep each other preoccupied, but every time we thought we heard a door, we went running to the front room to look through the window to see if it was them. FINALLY it was!

It's hard to live this far away from your family. It's hard to not see them on a day to day basis. But, imagine if I lived down the street. Would they ever get the grand reception that awaits them each and every time we see them? There's some up side to this waiting business.

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