Sunday, April 19, 2009

Lazy, spring FUN!

This morning, though I tried, I could not muster up the energy it took to get showered, dressed and to church on time. Blame it on the week after week of activities, or blame it on the allergy-ridden dog who whined incessantly all night. Whatever the problem, I was unsuccessful in finding that energy. Rather than fight against it, I decided to spend the day enjoying the warm weather and my family. I grabbed a cup of coffee and my laptop and downloaded pictures while supervising the kids in their painting and play and supervised my husband in his trimming of bushes in our back yard.

Ever since Morgan built her bird house with Lance and my dad, she's been begging to paint it. I mean, we'll have like 10 minutes before bed and she'll ask if she can paint. Ummm, not quite that simple, my dear! So, we decided this morning was a good time to let her paint it. Of course, that meant allowing Bennett to paint something also since what is done for one must be done for the other. I want you to notice the levels of drop clothes I have going on for Bennett. Ha! And the paint is even washable. No, I'm not anal at all. Also, please note the reuse of the Easter egg dying cups for paint. Brilliant, right? Wish I could say it was my idea, but no, it was my husband searching for yet another reason to not throw something out.

While I was out there with such coverage over the deck, I decided that, heck, it wasn't messy enough. Let's pull out the moon sand! I try not to let the mess get to me too much, after all we ARE outside and the ARE kids. I remember being super stoked as a kid because on occasion, we would be allowed to finger paint. I didn't realize why we didn't get to do it ALL THE TIME before I became a mother. Now I understand. But, in keeping with recreating my own childhood for my own children, I want them to enjoy these special treats occasionally. I guess that's what makes them special??

When you have a messy situation, including some paint and moon sand, what is the perfect ingredient to add??


Since I was too lazy to get ready for church, you know I was too lazy to actually fix lunch. This is where my wonderful hubby comes in. He offers to grill burgers for us to enjoy al fresco. Mmmmm. So the kids come over, dripping from the sprinkler and sit down to enjoy some juicy burgers fresh off the grill. Mmmmm. We can't wait for summer!

We went inside and the kids got baths and went down for naps while Lance and I enjoyed some down time before the mothers club Spring Party. When the kids were up, it was time to head to the party, where -- in keeping with the theme of laziness -- there was a dinner of pizza and veggies and fruit awaiting us. Not to mention, Morgan's all time favorite kids' performer, James K. Bennett even got into it this year, enjoying the songs and movements. :)

A good way to end a lazy spring day, because when we were done, it was time to go home and get the kids ready for bed. Doesn't get much better than that!

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